A talk at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) London, September 24, 1996 discussing the work of:
- Patricia Piccinini
Dollspace. A collaboration by Francesca da Rimini; Ricardo Dominquez; Michael Grimm
- John Tonkin
- Isabelle Delmotte
- Lloyd Sharp
- Martine Corompt
- Michael Grimm
- Gashgirl
- Video Subvertigo
ANAT Director, Amanda McDonald Crowley presented a selection of Australian artists work as part of the Deep Screen Diving program of the ICA organised by Lisa Haskell.
The work is about as diverse as electronic art practice itself, but the intention was veer away from the notion that interactive art is only the much hyped CD Rom or internet distributed multimedia. Whilst the work of these artists is incredibly diverse, they also demonstrate a multiplicity of ways to critique the body and representation and address issues of currently changes in society and communities brought about new uses for technologies.
Tags: distributed multimedia, electronic art practice, interactive art