ANAT were invited to present the FOLDBACK website as part of  ISEA98 – Terror, the Manchester manifestation of the ISEA98 Symposium. The presentation took the form of a “Soapbox”, and provided ANAT with an opportunity to present the artists’ work in the context of the ISEA Symposium, as well as to outline some of the history of ANAT.

ANAT was at the time the only organisation of its kind internationally, operating as an office based network and support agency for artists, so there was a great deal of interest in how our network operates.

The artists’ work was extremely well received, particularly the online work of nervous_ objects, as well Francesca da Rimini’s textual work, which refers to many of the experiences and artists she worked with in London was particularly poignant. The audio documentation of the FOLDBACK archives was also well received.
Please note this is a historic site – some links may no longer work

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