
ANAT’s program is informed by comprehensive research into technologies and processes with the potential to inform and transform creative practice – and then providing opportunities for Australian artists to engage with these over a two-three year period.


From 2009-11, our program is focused on fulldome and other large-format screens that provide artists with the opportunity to work in immersive environments. Fulldome and other ‘frameless’ screens provide what filmmakers and artists dream about – an audience so immersed they become part of the story, an experience so seamless that the story transcends its mode of delivery.

The Dome Project | Filter: Screen Play | Dome Lab


Alongside this targeted focus on emerging technologies, we also deliver an ongoing program encouraging collaborations between artists, scientists and researchers through the Synapse Initiative, presented in partnership with the Australian Council for the Arts since 2004.

Artists and scientists approach creativity, exploration and research in different ways and from different perspectives; when working together they open up new ways of seeing, experiencing and interpreting the world around us.

The Synapse Initiative comprises a residency program, a database of international art/science collaborations, and the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage program, which supports longer-term partnerships between artists and scientists in academic research settings.

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