Synapse 6 :: Dr Nigel Helyer + University of Tasmania

The Synapse initiative supports creative partnerships between scientists and artists through the residency program, a database of international art/science collaborations, an archived discussion list and the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage program, which supports longer-term partnerships between artists and scientists in academic research settings.

Dr Nigel Helyer + Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania (Hobart, TAS)

Sound artist and sculptor Dr Nigel Helyer is partnering with marine scientist, Dr Mary-Anne Lea, from the newly-founded Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania. Their collaboration seeks to extend the visualisation and interpretation of marine and Antarctic geo-spatial datastreams through integration with sound and multi-dimensional data representations.  Helyer’s work on acoustic cartographies has been developed over many years, with past projects realised at SymbioticA (Australia), the Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland) and the Tropical Marine Research Labs (Singapore), amongst others. The Synapse residency will allow Helyer and Lea to test the potential for conceptual and intuitive approaches to otherwise abstract and complex marine datasets.

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