Canberra/Sydney Consultative Tour, May 1988

It was decided at the April policy and planning meeting that a tour to Canberra and Sydney be undertaken in May to consult with a number of key parties within the government and private sectors.

The primary aims of the tour were:

  • To introduce ANAT as a new national interdisciplinary arts organisation
  • To establish or renew links between ANAT and key government, semi-government and industry bodies with similar or complementary interests, with a focus on areas of potential future interaction
  • To investigate funding sources for the proposed Australian delegation to FISEA in September 1988
  • To investigate specific possibilities for interface with the corporate sector
  • To extend ANAT’s information base
  • To conduct a series of informal meetings with new media artists

Representing ANAT was the then chair, Louise Dauth, and Executive Officer, Francesca da Rimini. ANAT Management Committee member, Stephanie Britton, was also in attendance at some meetings.

The Canberra/Sydney liaison and consultative tour resulted in contacts with over 30 parties and generally attracted a high level of support and enthusiasm for ANAT and its proposed programs and projects.

The major gains of the tour were:

  • The offer of a letter of support for ANAT from the Minister for Science, Customs and Small Business, the Hon. Mr Barry Jones, MP and an invitation to meet with him again in reference to specific projects
  • The initiation of links with senior officers of the Federal Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce (DITAC), and the gaining of information about the Civil Offsets Scheme
  • Positive discussions about FISEA with potential funding sources including DFAT, AFC and VACB
  • The establishment of links with the Australian Science and Technology Council (ASTEC) and establishing mechanisms for interaction with the larger ASTEC network
  • The initiation of positive links with the Federal Department for Arts, Environment, Tourism and Territories (ASETT)
  • The initiation of links with the National Science & Technology Centre and the discussion of possible future areas of interaction including residency programs and the proposed 1992 International Symposium
  • The initiation of links with the CSIRO (Div. of Applied Physics, Lindfield)
  • The initiation of links with the editorial staff of Computers and The Australian newspaper, to supply information on art and technology artists and projects on a regular basis
  • The renewing of links with the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences and discussion of possible future areas of interaction including residency programs and the proposed 1992 international symposium
  • The opportunity to exchange information and ideas with a number of new media artists

In summary, the Canberra/Sydney tour fulfilled all its objectives, and facilitated the establishment of new linkages with key personnel and institutions in the area of interaction between the arts, sciences and technology. The tour also provided ANAT with a new source of ideas, expertise and contacts to draw upon its expansion of the network.

The Australia Council received a full report on this Consultative Tour in ANAT’s 1989 Grant Application.


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